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Creating a runtime log

This information applies to:
  • Any WinWay product


This procedure should only be used upon request from WinWay support staff.  It is intended to help the staff resolve an installation-related issue.

More information

Step 1 - Event Log

  1. Select Start, control panel, [System and Maintenance,] Administrative Tools, Event Viewer

  2. In Event Viewer, click on "Windows Logs", then on "Application"

  3. This will show a list of recent errors that happened in your computer

  4. Click on Action, "Save Selected Events"

  5. Name the file "winway1"

Step 2 - System Information

  1. Select Start, Accessories, Run

  2. Enter this program name:      Msinfo32

  3. Select File, Save, and name the file "winway2"

Step 3 - Runtime trace with "Depends" 

  1. If you are using Windows 7 or later:
    • Visit the "Windows Driver Kit (WDK)" web site
    • Dowload and install "Windows Driver Kit 8"
    • Browse to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\Tools\x86\"
    • Double click on the "Depends.exe" program
  2. If you are using Windows XP or Vista:
    • Visit
    • Download "Download Version 2.2.6000 for x86 (Windows 95 / 98 / Me / NT / 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista)
    • Expand the zip file into an empty folder
    • Double click on the "Depends.exe" program  
  3. In "Dependency Walker," select File, Open, and select the program to debug, e.g. 
          "C:\program files\winway resume\winres.exe"
    or, in a 64-bit system,
          "C:\Program Files (x86)\winway resume\winres.exe"
  4. In the menu of "Depends", click on Profile, Start Profiling
  5. This will run the WinWay program and collect information about its operation
  6. When you encounter an error, the WinWay Resume program will terminate
  7. In "Depends," select File, Save, and name the file "winway3"

Step 4 - Send files to WinWay 

  1. Double click on "My Computer"

  2. Browse to "My Documents"

  3. Send the files "winway1.nfo", "winway2.evtx", and "winway3.dwi" to



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